A Few Things Every iPhone Owner Must Be Able to

Mobile Campus
4 min readNov 4, 2021


A Few Things Every iPhone Owner Must Be Able to

Are you looking for the most up-to-date tips and tricks to use the iPhone? The iphone is filled with so many details that it can be difficult to comprehend all the latest technologies. This article tries to cut through the mess and simplifies it so that you can enjoy an easier experience on your iphone.

If you’ve experienced the unfortunate event to drop an iPhone on the floor, make use of rice as a drying agent to get it off. To begin, dry the phone with a cloth. Before turning off the phone put it inside a bowl with dry white rice and let it sit for at minimum 8 hours. The rice will assist in helping soak up moisture, and could prevent the phone from failing to charge after you switch it back on.

Always ensure that you have set up your password. This is essential for your iPhone to ensure that no one could gain access to your personal data and you are as secure as you can. You can utilize four digits when creating your password. Always make sure that you use a password you are able to be able to recall.

Find your phone quickly with the new free application known as Find My iPhone. It allows you to remotely connect to your phone and give you the coordinates of maps, raise the volume so that you can hear the phone through thick cushions or secure the phone and erase all data in the event of theft.

Once you’ve learned how to snap photographs with the volume buttons then try headphones. Make sure you steady your hand while focusing on your subject. Then push to turn off the headphone cord when you’re at your best. Your iPhone won’t be shaking throughout your shot when you take it this method.

Don’t be worried if your iPhone gets wet. Sometimes, phones fall out of pockets and fall into the water or into sinks. If you’ve experienced this do not apply a blow dryer to to dry your phone as fast as you can. This can force moisture further in the phone. Instead, you can put your phone in the bag of rice that has not been cooked for a night.

If you are receiving an incoming call to your iPhone You can turn off the ring by pressing just one button. By pressing the Sleep/Wake key once the ring will be put to silent. If you want to forward the caller directly to your voicemail then press the button twice.

If you fall your iPhone into the water Don’t switch it on! It could cause irreparable damage to the phone since it is short-circuited. Instead you can apply a soft towel to dry it. Don’t use a hairdryer since it could push water into dry areas. Place the phone inside a bowl or bag of rice that is not cooked overnight. If you make this a habit, you stand a greater chance of getting back your phone.

If you’re using your iPhone to listen for your favorite songs make use of this method. To randomly change the shuffle from one song, shake the phone gently using the motion of the wrist. This is ideal for people who enjoy listening but aren’t able to be interrupted and wait to pick a different track.

One of the greatest advantages of having using an iPhone is the capability to make use of Facetime that you must make use of to the fullest extent. Facetime lets you view your family or friend member via video from the other end from the handset. This allows you to customize your conversations to ensure they are more meaningful and enjoyable.

Alongside a myriad of other incredible attributes, it’s important to be aware of the iPhone’s capacity to function as an e-reader that can be carried around in a backpack. Because it’s possible to download books individually and apps that include literary anthologies with almost every kind You can easily carry your most loved classics or the most popular bestsellers wherever you go.

Screens for iPhones

Are the iPhone screen shifting constantly making you crazy? Make sure that the screen isn’t shifting by locking the orientation to the right. It is done simply by rotating the iPhone app bar one time to the left. On the left is a lock button to change the orientation of your screen. Just click this switch and the screen will become locked regardless of the format it’s currently in.

Always used iPhone screen Protector, it save your iPhone if it drop on floor. Screen protector also save from scratch, dust, water damage and also from your oily hand. If iPhone Screen protector brake you should replace it.

Press and hold any icons on the iPhone screen and you’ll watch them dance. Then, you can move them around, organize them into folders or remove those you don’t need. It’s a great method of keeping your screens organized and keep your applications ready for use.

If your screen is frozen you can hold on the home button approximately five minutes. This will reset your iPhone. If, for whatever reason, this doesn’t restart your phone, hold the home and power buttons together for 12 seconds. This will be able to work. Utilize method two only in the event that the first method doesn’t work.

It is possible to erase text without touching the iPhone screen. By a quick swipe of your wrist to shake the phone a few times to the left and then return. A window will open to ask for confirmation to erase the most recently written text. Select it, and the most recent text will disappear immediately.

As mentioned in the previous article, there’s plenty to learn about the iPhone that it can be complicated to understand all the latest technology. After you’ve gained a few techniques and tips, you’ll be able to comprehend some tips to make your iphone usage much simpler.



Mobile Campus

Mobile campus is a leading company in New South Wales, Australia. We deliver the best repair services for your iPhone and Android mobile phones.